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Additional Use Class


What is required to request an additional use class for my product listing?

OMRI Use Classes describe the final uses for products under the organic standards, such as “Crop Fertilizers and Soil Amendments” (CF) or “Processing Pest Controls” (PP). Some products may be used in multiple ways by an organic producer. For example, a crop fertilizer is sometimes also used as a livestock feed ingredient. In those cases, the company may wish to list the same product under multiple Use Classes or Categories on the OMRI Products List©. When a company wishes to have a product listed under an additional Use Class, the following information and all fees need to be submitted to OMRI:

  •  For products that are already OMRI Listed® or in the process of being reviewed:
    • Use our online application system to apply for review under the additional standards. You can indicate in the application that the product is already OMRI Listed and the formulation is identical. 
  • For new applications:
    • Use our online application system to apply to have your product OMRI Listed. You will be able to choose as many Use Classes as you like, and will be asked questions specific to each Use Class. 

If you have any questions, please contact OMRI's application support team at 541-343-7600 x105 or apply@omri.org.