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OMRI welcomes media inquiries. Feel free to contact our materials and organic policy experts by calling the office and describing the nature of your inquiry. Our staff will connect you with the best person for your inquiry. Media visitors are also encouraged to download this overview of OMRI with frequently asked questions.

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The OMRI communications team maintains a press list for occasional press releases about the activities of the organization and regulations on materials for organic use. Please email marketing@omri.org to add your email to our press list.

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Below you will find our most recent press releases.

(November 2, 2011) OMRI's Review Program is now functioning more smoothly than ever, responding swiftly to growing industry demand for professional, third party review of products for organic use.

(October 18, 2011)  OMRI and the USDA have signed a landmark contract to produce a comprehensive list of substances permitted for organic crop production.

(September 1, 2011) On August 24th, the National Organic Program (NOP) posted a letter dated July 12, 2011, on its website .

(August 8, 2011) OMRI (The Organic Materials Review Institute) would like to announce the appointment of Tina Ellor, Gwendolyn Wyard, and Paul Sachs to the OMRI Board of Directors. OMRI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is the premier materials review organization for the U.S. organic industry.

(June 27, 2011) The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has announced a public comment period for amendments to the draft regulations that implement the new law (AB 856) requiring registration and review of Organic Input Materials (OIM) used in California.

(June 10, 2011) OMRI and IOIA (the International Organic Inspectors Association) will begin offering joint webinars with a focus on inputs used in organic production. The first webinar in the series, scheduled for August 1, will focus on crop inputs.

(June 1, 2011) In step with the continued growth of the organization, OMRI has improved the management structure of its Review Program.  Effective on June 1st, the previous position of Review Program Manager has been divided among three separate positions.  Lindsay Fernandez-Salvador will continue to provide quality, professional oversight to the Review Program in the new position of

(May 19, 2011) To continue providing exceptional service, OMRI is implementing a fee increase effective June 17, 2011, in conjunction with the beginning of our fiscal year. Previous increases have occurred at the beginning of the calendar year.

(March 11, 2011) OMRI (the Organic Materials Review Institute) today applauded the indictment of Kenneth Nelson, Jr., president of Port Organic Products, Ltd.

(March 7, 2011) OMRI Executive Director/CEO Peggy Miars and three other women who also lead organic food and farming organizations will be formally congratulated during an event at the upcoming Natural Products ExpoWest in Anaheim.  The celebration will take place during the 14th annual Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) luncheon, on March 10 from 11:30 to 1:30.  Miars will ce