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What products are required to undergo an inspection?

OMRI performs inspections for one of three reasons: 1) High Nitrogen Liquid Fertilizer (HNLF) products must undergo two inspections annually; 2) For-cause inspections are conducted when an inspection is needed to verify certain information; and 3) Random surveillance inspections are conducted annually for 1% of all OMRI Listed® products.

Products intended for use under the U.S. NOP organic standards that fall under the High Nitrogen Liquid Fertilizer category (defined as a liquid fertilizer with a nitrogen analysis or label claim of greater than 3% nitrogen) undergo one announced and one unannounced inspection annually per USDA policy. One announced inspection is conducted prior to the product being listed on the OMRI Products List© and one unannounced inspection is conducted sometime in the first year after the product is added to the OMRI Products List. These two inspections will occur every year as long as the product is being sold to organic producers. For more information about the additional cost associated with these inspections see the Review Cost page. More information about inspections can be found in the OMRI Policy Manual© or you are welcome to contact us at (541)343-7600.

Additionally, for-cause inspections and/or stream of commerce sampling may be conducted when there is cause to do so. More information about these types of inspections is available in the OMRI Policy Manual section §5.2. Fees may apply.

Finally, random surveillance is performed on 1% of all OMRI Listed products annually. Random surveillance consists of either stream of commerce sampling (buying the product and sending a sample into a lab for analysis), or an inspection at the manufacturing site. Random surveillance is required as part of OMRI’s ISO accredited procedures, and there is no additional cost for these tests or inspections.